The good news is that it is not that difficult to be an outstanding manager. You just have to master 5 relatively simple skill sets, and have a system that means you use them consistently. We will talk about the system some other time. For now let’s consider the 5 simple skill sets that get you well on the way being an outstanding manager – and that (not so) secret formula:
OM = Outstanding Management
GWR = Great Working Relationships
GGF = Giving and Getting Great Feedback
BBC = Being a Brilliant Coach
MED = Maximum Effective Delegation
TPM = Time and Priority Management
On a scale of 1-10 how do you rate your ability (and success) in developing Great Working Relationships? How many working relationships do you have that don’t work so well? What are you doing to improve them? What could you do, in the next few days, that would increase your own score by 1?
On a scale of 1-10 how do you rate your ability in Getting and Giving Great Feedback? Do you give and get feedback on daily basis? Do people respond to it? Or are you wasting you breath? Do you respond to feedback? What was the last piece of feedback that changed your behaviour? What could you do, in the next few days, that would increase your own score by 1?
On a scale of 1-10 how do you rate your ability in Being a Brilliant Coach? Do you coach every member of your team, every week to improve their performance in critical areas? Or do you leave it to the annual performance review? What could you do, in the next few days, that would increase your own score by 1?
On a scale of 1-10 how do you rate your ability in Maximum Effective Delegation? Do you have a scheme of delegation and a bomb proof process for making delegations that work? Or do you just think it is quicker and easier to do it yourself? What could you do, in the next few days, that would increase your own score by 1?
On a scale of 1-10 how do you rate your ability in Time and Priority Management? Do you get all of your work done in your contracted hours? Or do yo work additional hours for free? Do you spend most of your time on the most important, highest return areas? Or do you spend a lot of time working for little apparent return? What could you do, in the next few days, that would increase your own score by 1?
So, how did you score?
If you are interested in scoring better and would like further resources to help please do take a moment to sign up using the box on the right.
Your comments too are always welcome!
Mike Chitty
Some great uncommon sense advice.
I have printed this and put it on my wall!